All Major Credit Cards accepted, as well as cash and local checks. Payment is due at the time of service.
All appointments are screened for confirmation 24 Hours in advance to review any present signs or symptoms of COVID-19, a cold, the flu, RSV or any other contagious illness that would necessitate cancellation or rescheduling of your appointment.
If you must cancel or postpone your session, please be considerate and do so with a minimum notice of 24 hours prior to your appointment. This fluidity of scheduling is incredibly helpful as Anna carries a cancelation list of other clients looking for an appointment.
For your In-Office appointment: New clients, please arrive to your appointment ~10 minutes early in order for us to review your intake information and to discuss your treatment. Existing clients, please arrive ~5 minutes early so that we can briefly check in on how you and your body are doing this day.
If a client presents with signs and/or symptoms of illness that contraindicate massage (cold/flu/RSV or COVID symptoms, un-diagnosed rash, contagious infection), the session will be re-scheduled. This is to protect the health of both the client and the therapist.
Massages given are purely therapeutic and are in no way sexual in nature. Any suggestive statements or actions will result in immediate termination of the session wherein the client pays the full cost of the session. Law enforcement will be notified if deemed appropriate.
Trust. Heal. Peace.