In collaboration with The Hand to Heart Project, Anna is able to offer free massage and compassionate touch to individuals living or dying with cancer and her/his/ their primary caregiver within the greater Manchester, VT area.
Anna is a massage therapist and team member of The Hand to Heart Project. The Hand to Heart Project is a 18-year-old nonprofit program that offers free in-home massage and compassionate touch to people with cancer, and to their primary caregivers. Our experienced massage therapists work with all stages of all cancers, from diagnosis through chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and other treatments, supporting our clients whether the outcome is completing treatment and leaving cancer behind, or the end of life.
For more information about the project, please see the Project’s site directly at www.handtoheartproject.org.
Trust. Heal. Peace.
HEALTH/SAFETY/PROTOCOLS/PROCEDURES/CONSENT: Anna Maynard, owner and healing practitioner, is continuously updating and evolving her safety protocols and cleaning procedures to meet the needs of the of the ever-changing community health landscape. Anna encourages open lines of communication with her clients and will work to ensure your appointment is nurtured with the highest level of comfort, safety and peace.