Anna began exploring the roots of inter and intra-personal conflict while focusing her undergraduate studies on conflict resolution and international peace programs in the United States, Africa and Latin America through The University of Rhode Island. Continuing along on her quest for peace-building, she found herself seeking intensive yogic and meditation training of the ancient gurukula teaching system in ashram communities of upstate NY, the Bahamas and in the Laurentian Mountains of Quebec, Canada. As her curiosity for healing grew, she attended the New Hampshire Institute of Therapeutic Arts, soon becoming nationally certified in Massage Therapy.
In 2014, Anna wanted to expand her knowledge of the human capacity and graduated from SUNY Adirondack’s Nursing Program and became a Registered Nurse. Since graduating, Anna has worked in the healthcare field focusing on mental health, private duty home care, respite care and end of life care.
Since becoming a nurse, Anna learned quickly that she felt connected to the process that we go through during the end stages of life and the transition to death. Exploring this connection led her to End of Life Doula studies through programs offered at the University of Vermont’s Larner College of Medicine as well as The International End of Life Doula Association. Through field experiences and programs like these, Anna learned how to more deeply understand and honor the transition from life to death. With greater knowledge, support and acceptance of the dying process, Anna believes we can more fully live and appreciate life.
It is Anna’s unwavering belief that physical healing happens when the mind, body and soul can find symbiosis. This symbiosis can be supported through the healing space and services that Anna strives to cultivate and provide to her clients. Together, she hopes to find a balance that does not just support our ability to function in this lifetime, but to thrive within each moment.
Our paths are winding and challenging with consistent need of meditation and self observation. It is Anna’s hope that each of us can identify our pain and find the healing path that aligns best with our intuition.
Trust. Heal. Peace.